From A Child’s Prospective I’d much rather see the world through the eyes of a child. They have an innocence about them that is genuine and very real. It seems as you grow into adulthood you lose that innocence and once you do it is gone forever. Did you ever see a child’s eyes light…

Breath of Life was founded in 1974 by Walter Arties, with Charles D. Brooks serving as the original speaker from 1975 through 1998. Brooks retired in 1998, recommending Walter L. Pearson, Jr., as his replacement. Pearson served as speaker for the broadcast since 1998, focusing heavily on public evangelism. In 2004 Pearson was the speaker…
Tips for Driving across a Bridge This nation is known for possessing some of the most notable bridges in the world, such as San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge and New York’s Brooklyn Bridge. The only downside is that these scenic crossings can sometimes present distractions for drivers. There are a few other potential hazards that…
When Giorgio Armani began his Emporio Armani show two seasons ago with an ad for his fragrance, Diamonds, starring Beyoncé, the commercial interruption was diverting enough—after all, it was Beyoncé. The ad for the designer’s branded Samsung phone that was screened before today’s Emporio presentation? Less so. As for the bare-chested boys sporting enormous, (we’re…