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2015 Vendor Application
Divine Trinity’s Fundraising Vendor Event
The fundraising vending event will be held on September 12, 2015 from
11:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. at Divine Trinity Temple, 500 Vine Ave., Warren, Ohio 44483
Vending Guidelines and Rules
Cost: $25 per setup (provided you bring your own table); $35 per setup (includes table provided, compliments of Divine Trinity). Each additional table is $15. Each vendor is responsible for donating one item, minimum value of $20. These items will be given away during the event. Tickets will be available for purchase to qualify for a opportunity to receive a donated item. The ticket proceeds will be donated to Warm A Child’s Heart Charity. Cost is non-refundable, if you are not present for the event. Please arrive at 9:30 a.m. to allow sufficient time for proper set up. Please provide any questions or concerns to Barbara May via email mrsb4real1@aol.com or cell phone 330-219-7445. Please submit your application along with payment to Divine Trinity Temple at 500 Vine Ave., Warren, Ohio 44483. Vendors are responsible for leaving a clean area at closing. This will be an outdoor vending event. Please feel free to bring your own tent. We are not responsible for lost or misplaced items. All vendors shall exhibit professional manners at all times. Deadline for application submission and entry is Saturday, September 5, 2015. Acceptable forms of payment include: check or money order. Checks payable to: Divine Trinity Temple.
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